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For the control and acquisition software, we use ImSwitch. This is an open-source software centered around Napari as a multi-layer viewer and a rich framework for QT-based widgets. We make use of the open-source localization framework "microEye" ()


For the installation we advise you to have a look at the ImSwitch repository here

After setting up ImSwitch, you can enable STORM reconstruction in real time using the MicroEye Plugin by adding the following configuration to the ImSwitch config file that is located in ~/Documents/ImSwitchConfig/config/imcontrol_options.json

"setupFileName": "example_uc2_storm_alliedvision.json",
"recording": {
"outputFolder": "./ImSwitch/ImSwitch/recordings",
"includeDateInOutputFolder": true
"watcher": {
"outputFolder": "/Users/bene/ImSwitchConfig/scripts"

The setup file with the actual hardware configuration can be placed here:


"positioners": {
"ESP32Stage": {
"managerName": "ESP32StageManager",
"managerProperties": {
"rs232device": "ESP32"
"axes": [
"forScanning": true,
"forPositioning": true
"rs232devices": {
"ESP32": {
"managerName": "ESP32Manager",
"managerProperties": {
"host_": "",
"serialport_windows": "COM5",
"serialport": "/dev/cu./dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART"
"lasers": {
"488 Laser": {
"analogChannel": null,
"digitalLine": null,
"managerName": "ESP32LEDLaserManager",
"managerProperties": {
"rs232device": "ESP32",
"channel_index": 1,
"filter_change": false,
"laser_despeckle_period": 10,
"laser_despeckle_amplitude": 0
"wavelength": 488,
"valueRangeMin": 0,
"valueRangeMax": 1024
"635 Laser": {
"analogChannel": null,
"digitalLine": null,
"managerName": "ESP32LEDLaserManager",
"managerProperties": {
"rs232device": "ESP32",
"channel_index": 2,
"filter_change": false,
"laser_despeckle_period": 10,
"laser_despeckle_amplitude": 0
"wavelength": 635,
"valueRangeMin": 0,
"valueRangeMax": 1024
"LED": {
"analogChannel": null,
"digitalLine": null,
"managerName": "ESP32LEDLaserManager",
"managerProperties": {
"rs232device": "ESP32",
"channel_index": "LED",
"filter_change": false,
"filter_axis": 3,
"filter_position": 32000,
"filter_position_init": -0
"wavelength": 635,
"valueRangeMin": 0,
"valueRangeMax": 255
"detectors": {
"WidefieldCamera": {
"analogChannel": null,
"digitalLine": null,
"managerName": "AVManager",
"managerProperties": {
"cameraListIndex": 1,
"mocktype": "STORM",
"mockstackpath": "/Users/bene/Downloads/New_SMLM_datasets/ROI_cos7MT_AF647fluopaint.tif",
"avcam": {
"exposure": 0,
"gain": 0,
"blacklevel": 100,
"image_width": 1000,
"image_height": 1000,
"pixel_format": "Mono12"
"forAcquisition": true,
"forFocusLock": false
"rois": {
"Full chip": {
"x": 600,
"y": 600,
"w": 1200,
"h": 1200
"LEDMatrixs": {
"ESP32 LEDMatrix": {
"analogChannel": null,
"digitalLine": null,
"managerName": "ESP32LEDMatrixManager",
"managerProperties": {
"rs232device": "ESP32",
"Nx": 4,
"Ny": 4
"wavelength": 488,
"valueRangeMin": 0,
"valueRangeMax": 32768
"autofocus": {
"camera": "WidefieldCamera",
"positioner": "ESP32Stage",
"updateFreq": 10,
"frameCropx": 780,
"frameCropy": 400,
"frameCropw": 500,
"frameCroph": 100
"availableWidgets": [

ImSwitch in Action

Here you can find a tour on Youtube how to set up everything and what it can do.