Quickstart to use the Raspberry Pi with our ImSwitch and UC2-ESP
The Raspberry Pi connects the UC2-ESP via USB and the USB3 camera to the ImSwitch that runs in Docker. You can access the frontend via your browser on a phone or laptop. It's experimental at the moment!
Login Data for Raspberry Pi (SSH / Login)
The Raspberry Pi login credentials are:
- Username:
- Password:
It runs the Raspberry Pi OS Light version with a Docker integration of our systems, linked on Twitter. You can log in via SSH and start the ImSwitch server.
ImSwitch Docker Installation Guide
WiFi Hotspot
- Password:
Configure the hotspot using RaspAP:
- Go to
- Login: admin / secret
- (Refer to RaspAP GitHub for more details)
Accessing ImSwitch
If the Docker image has started automatically, you can access ImSwitch at:
- (Self-signed certificate warning: Accept untrusted, this will be fixed in the future.)
Connecting via SSH
To SSH into the Raspberry Pi and manually start ImSwitch:
ssh uc2@ # Password: youseetoo
# Start ImSwitch
cd ~/Desktop
Changing ImSwitch Parameters
Configuration file path:
nano ~/ImSwitchConfig/config/imcontrol_options.json
- Active setup file:
Example JSON snippet:
"setupFileName": "example_uc2_vimba.json",
"recording": {
"outputFolder": "./ImSwitch/ImSwitch/recordings",
"includeDateInOutputFolder": true
To modify configurations:
nano ~/ImSwitchConfig/imcontrol_setups/example_histo_daheng.json
Example positioner settings:
For more details, visit: ImSwitchConfig GitHub
Close the application with:
Hardware Connection
- Connect UC2-ESP Board via USB to Raspberry Pi
- Connect USB3 Camera to Raspberry Pi
Accessing ImSwitch via Web Browser
Open the following URL in a browser: